This page houses many of the most common forms that student veterans will require while attending Oakland University. For more information about these forms, please contact the Veterans Support Services office.
Confidentiality - Request to Remove (Google Form)
Upon receipt of the completed form and photo ID, confidentiality will be removed from record.
Confidentiality - Request to Withhold Directory Information (Google Form)
Use if you do not want directory information released. Upon receipt of the completed form and photo ID, directory information will be withheld until the student requests in writing that confidentiality be released.
Dismissal Appeal Form
Complete this appeal form if you believe there are valid reasons to review your academic dismissal.
Enrollment Exception Request Form
Submit this form to request an exception to published university policy regarding registration deadlines or procedures and/or tuition cancellation. This form is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page.
General Education Transfer Course Review Form
Request the review of coursework you have previously completed or wish to complete at another institution for use at Oakland University. A syllabus is required. Here are directions on how to complete the form. For other courses, see Transfer Course Review below.
Grizzly ID Request (Google Form)
Letter Request Form (Google Form)
Use this form to request Jury Duty Letter or Enrollment Verification Letter.
Room Request (Google Form)
Request a general purpose room for non-class events/meetings. Generally, requests cannot be submitted during final examination periods. You can read further policies and guidelines here.
Transcript Requests
Request official or unofficial transcripts.
Transfer Course Review
Use this form to request a transfer course evaluation in order to fulfill a major or minor program requirement.
Diploma Reorder Form (Google Form)
Order a replacement diploma. Your degree is verified by Academic Records. Those who have financial holds on their account cannot receive their diplomas until the “hold” is resolved.
Change Graduation Date (Google Form)
Audit Form
Request "audit" registration status for a class. Students will not receive a grade for the class. Tuition is assessed as appropriate for each course. This form is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page.
Competency Examination Form
Use this form if you wish to take an examination to prove proficiency of subject matter. The issuing department will determine competency level. This form is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page.
Guest Application
Attend another school as a guest student. You are responsible for delivering the application to the other school. Upon completion of the course(s), you must request that an official transcript be mailed to Oakland University. This form is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page.
Missing Social Security Number Form W-9
Permission to Exceed Maximum Credit Hours
This form is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page.
Registration Request Form (Google form)
Most registration should occur in MySAIL. If you need Registrar support, submit this form to add/drop from classes. This form is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page.
Residency Reclassification
Students who have been admitted as out-of-state students, for the purpose of in-state tuition, may submit this form to have their residency status reconsidered/reclassified. This form is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page.
Special Time Conflict Override Form (SI or Final exam only) (Google form)
Time Conflict Override Form
Use to obtain the signature of both instructors and the dean of the school/college to be added into courses that overlap in time. This form is available on the Office of the Registrar's Forms page.
Contact [email protected] for questions about using your benefits. When we receive your Student Record Form, we will reach out to provide additional forms related to your specific benefit.
VA Student Record Form
This form is completed by students who are eligible for military education benefits through the VA, the State of Michigan or their military branch and is placed in their VA file in the Veteran Certification Office.
Veterans Support Services
502 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2010
[email protected]
Office Hours:
M-F: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Veteran Certification
(248) 370-4010
(248) 370-4584 (fax)
[email protected]